Super-fast relief from hurricane disasters

Automatic claims that pay if wind speeds are recorded within 30 mile of your home or business.

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The problem with current insurance

Countless families and businesses struggle in the aftermath of hurricanes with insurance company delays of up more than 6-9 months and even complete non-payment, without an alternative. While many low-income individuals and small business owners cannot even afford existing policies to begin with.

For most people, an immediate infusion of cash when they are the most vulnerable can help them survive for the first 3-6 months after the storm, to pay for small repairs, a generator, gasoline, food, water, medicines, employees and other essentials.

Not your typical insurance. Better.

Regular Insurance HurricaneGuard
Speed of payout 2-9 months 24 hours
Cost $600 / year As little as $10
Loss of income protection No Yes
Deductible 2% None
Transparency No Yes

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